Friday, May 22, 2015

Free Post (Ishamel Rap)

Selfish desires that could nevr be acquired
using harmful energy has never been required
death to the seas and the plants,
can't keep this up, its our chance
we cannot stop until we enhance
take another glace, let nature dance
don't try to take more than you need
stay way from greed
just plant the seed and grow a tee
that brings you air, we breathe

selfish desire that could never be cquired
the one who is rich is always admired
blaming scientists and calling them liars
leaving a situation unsolved, quiet frankly dire
crawl beneth the wire and transpire beyond 
the misinformed choir that spits indirect fire to
a cut phone wire to cause a commotion with
no greater notion, hoping the world will motion
toward a clearer ocean, habitats unbroken, animals
no longer soft spoken, no quota to meet, no need to compete, 
no need for land to deplete, keep it short and sweet 
and keep the earth neat

Keep the world at its best, for thats the true test, from the east to the west,
if we can protect our nest, we can put this to rest. Say it with your chest, you know we've progressed, do not be depressed, don't try to infest the minds of the repressed, you may merely suggest, or express, the distress you feel as you give an an indirect request for a lifeproof vest

The way society functions nowadays makes the conservation of energy seem like a laborious task. Our dependence on nonrenewable energy has been a major contributor to our neglect of the enviornment and all the other living things on this earth. We choose to be greedy with our energy use and continue to accept something non renewable as our main resource. As a selfish citizen of the world, we are all guilty of the same crime, we need to make a change which is what inspired me to make this rap.

Washington Quadruple Murder Suspect Arrested

Daron Dylon Wint was arrested on Thursday on accusations of the killings of three members of the Savopoulos family and their housekeeper who was home at the time. After being tracked by authorities in New York City, 34 year-old Wint has a previous criminal history. He has had criminal charges before such as theft, sexual offense, and assault. Text messages sent from one of the victims phones suggests that the horrors of the house detained individuals may have started a day before the killing of the family. He will now defend himself in a court of law with the help of his attorney, Robin Thicker.

Link to the Article on CNN

Thursday, May 21, 2015

D.C. Homicide suspect identified from leftover Pizza Crust

Daron Dylon Wint is believed to be linked to a quadruple homicide in a DC Mansion to the family of Savvas Savopoulos, CEO and president of American Iron Works. Police say the suspect's DNA was linked to this man as they discovered he had left a pizza crust for the incident that night he killed them. The suspect is also believed to have organized the crimes to happen. Investigators uncovered the man's background as a former employee for the company American Iron Works. 

Link to Article on CNN

China warns U.S. surveillance plane

China's navy sent 8 warning signals to a US surveillance plane around China's newly built islands that harbor military weapons."This is the Chinese Navy. We are warning you, leave the area  immediately!" The Chinese Navy exclaimed as they warned a Surveillance plane, the Posiedon, that approached these never before seen Southern Chinese islands man made by the Chinese themselves, called the Spratly Islands, this new territory has caused new tension to arise as the Chinese struggle to hide this new information from the US. This may or may not be their intention, but the consequences from this event will change the perspective we have on China as an ally. 

Link to Article on Cnn

House Passes Bill That Make Abortion After Twenty Weeks Illegal

According to the Speaker of the House, John Boehner explains, "I didn't need my parents to tell me that every child is a gift from God. But let me tell you, they did -- early and often. Because that respect -- that sanctity and dignity -- is everything." The House of Representatives recently passed a bill that has made abortion illegal for any reason after 20 weeks of development. The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act could be one of the most contreversial laws to be passed in US history. This not only takes away the right for potential mothers to have an abortion, but there are also other different circumstances in which this could be seen as giving the government too much power. Although this is within good intention, which is to protect the lives of potential children from being taken away, this can also cause harm. If a child is forced to be birthed by someone who dies for child labor, or someone  cannot care for a child, there will be another life brought onto earth that did not deserve to be cheated and given an underpriveldged life of hardship. 

Link to Article

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

DOJ wants Obama immigration actions to proceed

An executive decison made by Mr. President has been halted by a Texas Judge on behalf of the questioning of its constitutionality. Many conservatives believe that Barack Obama does not posses the power to make such a decision without the consent of Congress. Despite this objection, ultimately its up to the next president whether or not this action will be prolonged, since Obama now approaches his final years of his presidency. The Department Of Justice has decided to ake it upon itself to make the decison this coming week.

Immortal Technique- Dance with the Devil (Reflection)

The song written on behalf of a real life situation, Immortal Technique describes a very vivid and graphic story of a man who decided to "dance with the devil" and make a decision that would ultimately change his life. While using a classic west coast style beat, Immortal Technique uses his flows to explain how doing such selfish and spiteful things will eventually land you in a bad place where the devil will grow and linger inside you. Although his friend "William" does not seem so hard around his thugs for friends, he is willing to do anything to make more money and have the respect of his fellow crew members. They then decide to find a random victim, an older woman on her way home from work, and commit forceful sex acts and murder her to test the coldness that William must have to be able to do business with these individuals. As a result of  deciding to dance with the devil, Will now changes his fate and realizes that he raped and murdered his own mother and now had successfully changed his fate. He then commits sucide. This has to arguably be one of my most favorite songs that I've heard from a rap artist ever, not only because of its catchy tune, but also the life changing message it sends to indiviuals like me. Although the rap industry is usually associated with illicit behavior and commiting crimes, this song argues in favor of preserving innocence and avoiding the wrong path, because you may never emerge the same again. 
I would reccomed any rap fans listen to the heart wrenching lyrics of this song. It can change lives with the terrible descriptions that Immortal Technique describes. 

Link to the Lyrics    Link to Song