Thursday, May 21, 2015

China warns U.S. surveillance plane

China's navy sent 8 warning signals to a US surveillance plane around China's newly built islands that harbor military weapons."This is the Chinese Navy. We are warning you, leave the area  immediately!" The Chinese Navy exclaimed as they warned a Surveillance plane, the Posiedon, that approached these never before seen Southern Chinese islands man made by the Chinese themselves, called the Spratly Islands, this new territory has caused new tension to arise as the Chinese struggle to hide this new information from the US. This may or may not be their intention, but the consequences from this event will change the perspective we have on China as an ally. 

Link to Article on Cnn

1 comment:

  1. With China telling the U.S surveillance plane to back off, it kinda breaks down to what they doing or even planning. The U.S might need to begin further inspecting the area, especially in a area that harbors military weapons.
