Thursday, March 26, 2015

Pence Signs Bill Allowing Businesses to Reject Gay Customers

Link to the Article on CNN

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed into law on Thursday a measure that allows businesses to turn away gay and lesbian customers in the name of "religious freedom." "This was a measure that frankly, Indiana should have enacted many years ago," Pence said. "It gives our courts guidance about evaluating government action and puts the highest standard -- it essentially says, if a government is going to compel you to act in a way that violates your religious beliefs, there has to be a compelling state interest." A very controversial topic in the United States to this day, Gov. Mike Pence decided to make a decision that might affect his chances as he tries to run the Republican Nomination for the 2016 Presidential Election. This decision will cause much contreversy to be surrounded by his name, he decided not to comment on the main issue. He will lose votes from the LGBT community which makes his decision a bold one to make. I would not agree with the discrimination based on way of life. Though it was passed to be considerate to the freedom of religion expressed in the nation, this disrespects the other party, the one that is refused to be sold to. What would be the solution to such circumstances in this nation? Should we allow this rejection of service? Or should we force accpetance on others?


  1. By far this is one of the most controversial topics that anyone, specially politics, can talk about. And honestly I don't think that people should reject service to anyone, that's just being a religious extremist. Personally I don't agree with someone with homosexual but that doesn't mean that I won't talk to them, in fact I treat them with respect because they're people. I might not agree with they're action but I still treat them like the rest of the people. That's why refusing to attend them is like saying, "I'm perfect." When actually everyone has a different opinion, different ways of living, etc.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This latest "freedom of religion" bill is by far, the most repugnant piece of news I could've heard this month. This bill allows business owners to not choose to hire a potential employee for the simple fact of being homosexual. It easily allows restaurant owners to refuse to serve a customer on the basis of that customer being homosexual and homosexuality being against that restaurant owner's religion. Religion does not need to be enforced by the law as we live in a secular country. It doesn't matter what your religious beliefs are, it should not matter at all when hiring employees or serving customers. No one should be refused employment or service simply for their sexual orientation. This bill is sectarian trash that doesn't and should not have a place in our current society.

  4. It's really sad to see the way things are going in the U.S. Especially when you look back at the reason why people came in the first place. America is supposed to be the "Land of the Free," People come here for religious freedom and opportunities, but instead minorities are mistreated and discriminated against, and now it's okay? It's funny how we're in this whole Isis scare, calling them "religious extremists," when we're almost no different here in the States, and we're allowing it.
