Tuesday, April 28, 2015

DOJ wants Obama immigration actions to proceed

An executive decison made by Mr. President has been halted by a Texas Judge on behalf of the questioning of its constitutionality. Many conservatives believe that Barack Obama does not posses the power to make such a decision without the consent of Congress. Despite this objection, ultimately its up to the next president whether or not this action will be prolonged, since Obama now approaches his final years of his presidency. The Department Of Justice has decided to ake it upon itself to make the decison this coming week.

Immortal Technique- Dance with the Devil (Reflection)

The song written on behalf of a real life situation, Immortal Technique describes a very vivid and graphic story of a man who decided to "dance with the devil" and make a decision that would ultimately change his life. While using a classic west coast style beat, Immortal Technique uses his flows to explain how doing such selfish and spiteful things will eventually land you in a bad place where the devil will grow and linger inside you. Although his friend "William" does not seem so hard around his thugs for friends, he is willing to do anything to make more money and have the respect of his fellow crew members. They then decide to find a random victim, an older woman on her way home from work, and commit forceful sex acts and murder her to test the coldness that William must have to be able to do business with these individuals. As a result of  deciding to dance with the devil, Will now changes his fate and realizes that he raped and murdered his own mother and now had successfully changed his fate. He then commits sucide. This has to arguably be one of my most favorite songs that I've heard from a rap artist ever, not only because of its catchy tune, but also the life changing message it sends to indiviuals like me. Although the rap industry is usually associated with illicit behavior and commiting crimes, this song argues in favor of preserving innocence and avoiding the wrong path, because you may never emerge the same again. 
I would reccomed any rap fans listen to the heart wrenching lyrics of this song. It can change lives with the terrible descriptions that Immortal Technique describes. 

Link to the Lyrics    Link to Song

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Northern White Rhinos Guarded as 1 Male Left Worldwide

Scientists have recently discovered that there is only one remaining northern white rhino left in the exsistence of this world. The only remianing male now has the fate of the subspecies in his DNA. With only two female northern white rhinos left in the world which are at the age of 25 and 15, the much older 42 year old male might not be able to mount on a female and mate anymore. The hind legs of the two females might not be able to handle the weight of a full grown male. The odds are not in the favor of the species. Scientists say that he could possibly mate with the Southern White Rhinos which is "better than nothing."There will be 24 hour security that will be watching the rhino at all times to protect it from poachers.

Link to the Article on CNN

Free Post (Poem) "Desire to Acquire"

The feelings, the Desire, I can only admire, if only I could attain, for some reason I cannot retain, the emotions and sensations, something within reach that is far from my control, my logic tells me to extol the feeling, to just take the time to reveal it, no need to conceal it. The one desire I can only admire; no gain due to the pain produced from the train traveled by two passengers; both of which have different destinations. The sensation cannot be understood, how I wish it would turn out for the good. No gain, just a broken chain. The feelings, the desire, I can only admire, the lonely buyer, the one who can not provide what the other truly wants. The true meaning lies in the tracks. The tracks which lead the train to its destination. Tracks which have been laid out, with no switch man in control. A free ride which I cannot abide by, I must hide, shame in the fact that there was no gain, a broken chain, lost links, I only sink deeper into an endless ocean floor. The feelings, the desire, I can only admire, if given the chance I could regain, continue to try to obtain the one chain link missing that could connect the one thing I want to attain. The switchman decides the final fate, whether or not it be a debate; from here on I can only create what I want to advocate.
My one desire, oh how I admire, this one passenger who has a destination far from the train station I have created. The passenger longing for home, feeling alone, you are not in alienation, for the one true sensation I have for this situation, is to be the destination which the passenger desires, oh how I admire, this one desire I cannot acquire.

Everyone understands the feeling of wanting something you can't have, whether it be an object or an actual person. Unfortunately, in this life, we will have days where we cannot get what we feel we need. I dedicate this poem to a girl I know that will certainly take another path in life I will not, this unfair feeling is what fueled my creativity to write this poem.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Marco Rubio Running for President

Senator Marco Rubio of the State of Florida will announce later today, right in front of the iconic the Freedom Tower. The most contreversial thing about his announcement to come is the cometition that he will have to face. Gov. Jeb Bush, of the state of Florida will also be running for president, Sen. Rand Paul of the State of Kentucky will also be running in the 2016 Presidential Primaries. With so many GOP contenders stepping up to the plate, trying to win the Party nomination will only become harder and harder. Sen. Ted Cruz of the state of Texas, also just recently announced his run for the White House. Both Cruz and Rubio have a cuban-american heritage which ties back to the days of the Castro Communist Regime. Although each has their own approach to the presidency, and each has a different background as to which brought them to where they are, the Republican party continuously fears that large factions of their own members will not be able to decide on which candidate will benefit them better.

Link to the Story on Washington Post

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Hillary Clinton, Sneak Peak to Her 2016 Presidential Campaign

Former Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton has yet to announce her run of president and has left many wondering when it will happen. She has begun to release sneak peeks on what her main focus would be during her run. Rather than being focused on trying to win over large crowds of people in the primaries, she has set her goal on hearing what the people truly want. She has taken a much more modest approach on the road to her nomination from the Democratic party, visiting places such as Nevada and South Carolina. Facing other opponents for the nomiation of her own party such as Martin O'Malley, former Governer of the state of Maryland, she is trying to show the people that she will focus more on the American people wants, rather than what she thinks is best. She has refrained from trying to put her input into her ideas for America. Mrs. Clinton has decided to make mutiple small crowd stops around Iowa and New Hampshire. Although she may be taking a new approach to winning votes, there is no guarentee she will win the nomination. She must prove herself to be suffice to the most powerful postion in the free world.

Link to the Article on CNN