Tuesday, April 28, 2015

DOJ wants Obama immigration actions to proceed

An executive decison made by Mr. President has been halted by a Texas Judge on behalf of the questioning of its constitutionality. Many conservatives believe that Barack Obama does not posses the power to make such a decision without the consent of Congress. Despite this objection, ultimately its up to the next president whether or not this action will be prolonged, since Obama now approaches his final years of his presidency. The Department Of Justice has decided to ake it upon itself to make the decison this coming week.


  1. I'm hoping to hear some good news from our next president as I am greatly impacted as an immigrant with whatever happens with this decision. Honestly though I'm quite skeptical on good news from our next president as many of the running candidates are Republicans...and they don't like immigrants. As minorities we're diminished along with other minorities such as African Americans, Asians, etc. What are your expectations?

  2. I strongly disagree on that what Mr. President is doing. Hopefully the next President will fallow the contitution and bring hope to many immigrants here in the U.S.

  3. Whats your thoughts on the whole thing, is it constitutional or is it not? If it was up to you what would you do? Lastly do you think that the next president, whoever it may be, will deal with this issue immediately or just focus on other bigger issues?
