Thursday, May 21, 2015

House Passes Bill That Make Abortion After Twenty Weeks Illegal

According to the Speaker of the House, John Boehner explains, "I didn't need my parents to tell me that every child is a gift from God. But let me tell you, they did -- early and often. Because that respect -- that sanctity and dignity -- is everything." The House of Representatives recently passed a bill that has made abortion illegal for any reason after 20 weeks of development. The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act could be one of the most contreversial laws to be passed in US history. This not only takes away the right for potential mothers to have an abortion, but there are also other different circumstances in which this could be seen as giving the government too much power. Although this is within good intention, which is to protect the lives of potential children from being taken away, this can also cause harm. If a child is forced to be birthed by someone who dies for child labor, or someone  cannot care for a child, there will be another life brought onto earth that did not deserve to be cheated and given an underpriveldged life of hardship. 

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