Friday, May 22, 2015

Free Post (Ishamel Rap)

Selfish desires that could nevr be acquired
using harmful energy has never been required
death to the seas and the plants,
can't keep this up, its our chance
we cannot stop until we enhance
take another glace, let nature dance
don't try to take more than you need
stay way from greed
just plant the seed and grow a tee
that brings you air, we breathe

selfish desire that could never be cquired
the one who is rich is always admired
blaming scientists and calling them liars
leaving a situation unsolved, quiet frankly dire
crawl beneth the wire and transpire beyond 
the misinformed choir that spits indirect fire to
a cut phone wire to cause a commotion with
no greater notion, hoping the world will motion
toward a clearer ocean, habitats unbroken, animals
no longer soft spoken, no quota to meet, no need to compete, 
no need for land to deplete, keep it short and sweet 
and keep the earth neat

Keep the world at its best, for thats the true test, from the east to the west,
if we can protect our nest, we can put this to rest. Say it with your chest, you know we've progressed, do not be depressed, don't try to infest the minds of the repressed, you may merely suggest, or express, the distress you feel as you give an an indirect request for a lifeproof vest

The way society functions nowadays makes the conservation of energy seem like a laborious task. Our dependence on nonrenewable energy has been a major contributor to our neglect of the enviornment and all the other living things on this earth. We choose to be greedy with our energy use and continue to accept something non renewable as our main resource. As a selfish citizen of the world, we are all guilty of the same crime, we need to make a change which is what inspired me to make this rap.

Washington Quadruple Murder Suspect Arrested

Daron Dylon Wint was arrested on Thursday on accusations of the killings of three members of the Savopoulos family and their housekeeper who was home at the time. After being tracked by authorities in New York City, 34 year-old Wint has a previous criminal history. He has had criminal charges before such as theft, sexual offense, and assault. Text messages sent from one of the victims phones suggests that the horrors of the house detained individuals may have started a day before the killing of the family. He will now defend himself in a court of law with the help of his attorney, Robin Thicker.

Link to the Article on CNN

Thursday, May 21, 2015

D.C. Homicide suspect identified from leftover Pizza Crust

Daron Dylon Wint is believed to be linked to a quadruple homicide in a DC Mansion to the family of Savvas Savopoulos, CEO and president of American Iron Works. Police say the suspect's DNA was linked to this man as they discovered he had left a pizza crust for the incident that night he killed them. The suspect is also believed to have organized the crimes to happen. Investigators uncovered the man's background as a former employee for the company American Iron Works. 

Link to Article on CNN

China warns U.S. surveillance plane

China's navy sent 8 warning signals to a US surveillance plane around China's newly built islands that harbor military weapons."This is the Chinese Navy. We are warning you, leave the area  immediately!" The Chinese Navy exclaimed as they warned a Surveillance plane, the Posiedon, that approached these never before seen Southern Chinese islands man made by the Chinese themselves, called the Spratly Islands, this new territory has caused new tension to arise as the Chinese struggle to hide this new information from the US. This may or may not be their intention, but the consequences from this event will change the perspective we have on China as an ally. 

Link to Article on Cnn

House Passes Bill That Make Abortion After Twenty Weeks Illegal

According to the Speaker of the House, John Boehner explains, "I didn't need my parents to tell me that every child is a gift from God. But let me tell you, they did -- early and often. Because that respect -- that sanctity and dignity -- is everything." The House of Representatives recently passed a bill that has made abortion illegal for any reason after 20 weeks of development. The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act could be one of the most contreversial laws to be passed in US history. This not only takes away the right for potential mothers to have an abortion, but there are also other different circumstances in which this could be seen as giving the government too much power. Although this is within good intention, which is to protect the lives of potential children from being taken away, this can also cause harm. If a child is forced to be birthed by someone who dies for child labor, or someone  cannot care for a child, there will be another life brought onto earth that did not deserve to be cheated and given an underpriveldged life of hardship. 

Link to Article

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

DOJ wants Obama immigration actions to proceed

An executive decison made by Mr. President has been halted by a Texas Judge on behalf of the questioning of its constitutionality. Many conservatives believe that Barack Obama does not posses the power to make such a decision without the consent of Congress. Despite this objection, ultimately its up to the next president whether or not this action will be prolonged, since Obama now approaches his final years of his presidency. The Department Of Justice has decided to ake it upon itself to make the decison this coming week.

Immortal Technique- Dance with the Devil (Reflection)

The song written on behalf of a real life situation, Immortal Technique describes a very vivid and graphic story of a man who decided to "dance with the devil" and make a decision that would ultimately change his life. While using a classic west coast style beat, Immortal Technique uses his flows to explain how doing such selfish and spiteful things will eventually land you in a bad place where the devil will grow and linger inside you. Although his friend "William" does not seem so hard around his thugs for friends, he is willing to do anything to make more money and have the respect of his fellow crew members. They then decide to find a random victim, an older woman on her way home from work, and commit forceful sex acts and murder her to test the coldness that William must have to be able to do business with these individuals. As a result of  deciding to dance with the devil, Will now changes his fate and realizes that he raped and murdered his own mother and now had successfully changed his fate. He then commits sucide. This has to arguably be one of my most favorite songs that I've heard from a rap artist ever, not only because of its catchy tune, but also the life changing message it sends to indiviuals like me. Although the rap industry is usually associated with illicit behavior and commiting crimes, this song argues in favor of preserving innocence and avoiding the wrong path, because you may never emerge the same again. 
I would reccomed any rap fans listen to the heart wrenching lyrics of this song. It can change lives with the terrible descriptions that Immortal Technique describes. 

Link to the Lyrics    Link to Song

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Northern White Rhinos Guarded as 1 Male Left Worldwide

Scientists have recently discovered that there is only one remaining northern white rhino left in the exsistence of this world. The only remianing male now has the fate of the subspecies in his DNA. With only two female northern white rhinos left in the world which are at the age of 25 and 15, the much older 42 year old male might not be able to mount on a female and mate anymore. The hind legs of the two females might not be able to handle the weight of a full grown male. The odds are not in the favor of the species. Scientists say that he could possibly mate with the Southern White Rhinos which is "better than nothing."There will be 24 hour security that will be watching the rhino at all times to protect it from poachers.

Link to the Article on CNN

Free Post (Poem) "Desire to Acquire"

The feelings, the Desire, I can only admire, if only I could attain, for some reason I cannot retain, the emotions and sensations, something within reach that is far from my control, my logic tells me to extol the feeling, to just take the time to reveal it, no need to conceal it. The one desire I can only admire; no gain due to the pain produced from the train traveled by two passengers; both of which have different destinations. The sensation cannot be understood, how I wish it would turn out for the good. No gain, just a broken chain. The feelings, the desire, I can only admire, the lonely buyer, the one who can not provide what the other truly wants. The true meaning lies in the tracks. The tracks which lead the train to its destination. Tracks which have been laid out, with no switch man in control. A free ride which I cannot abide by, I must hide, shame in the fact that there was no gain, a broken chain, lost links, I only sink deeper into an endless ocean floor. The feelings, the desire, I can only admire, if given the chance I could regain, continue to try to obtain the one chain link missing that could connect the one thing I want to attain. The switchman decides the final fate, whether or not it be a debate; from here on I can only create what I want to advocate.
My one desire, oh how I admire, this one passenger who has a destination far from the train station I have created. The passenger longing for home, feeling alone, you are not in alienation, for the one true sensation I have for this situation, is to be the destination which the passenger desires, oh how I admire, this one desire I cannot acquire.

Everyone understands the feeling of wanting something you can't have, whether it be an object or an actual person. Unfortunately, in this life, we will have days where we cannot get what we feel we need. I dedicate this poem to a girl I know that will certainly take another path in life I will not, this unfair feeling is what fueled my creativity to write this poem.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Marco Rubio Running for President

Senator Marco Rubio of the State of Florida will announce later today, right in front of the iconic the Freedom Tower. The most contreversial thing about his announcement to come is the cometition that he will have to face. Gov. Jeb Bush, of the state of Florida will also be running for president, Sen. Rand Paul of the State of Kentucky will also be running in the 2016 Presidential Primaries. With so many GOP contenders stepping up to the plate, trying to win the Party nomination will only become harder and harder. Sen. Ted Cruz of the state of Texas, also just recently announced his run for the White House. Both Cruz and Rubio have a cuban-american heritage which ties back to the days of the Castro Communist Regime. Although each has their own approach to the presidency, and each has a different background as to which brought them to where they are, the Republican party continuously fears that large factions of their own members will not be able to decide on which candidate will benefit them better.

Link to the Story on Washington Post

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Hillary Clinton, Sneak Peak to Her 2016 Presidential Campaign

Former Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton has yet to announce her run of president and has left many wondering when it will happen. She has begun to release sneak peeks on what her main focus would be during her run. Rather than being focused on trying to win over large crowds of people in the primaries, she has set her goal on hearing what the people truly want. She has taken a much more modest approach on the road to her nomination from the Democratic party, visiting places such as Nevada and South Carolina. Facing other opponents for the nomiation of her own party such as Martin O'Malley, former Governer of the state of Maryland, she is trying to show the people that she will focus more on the American people wants, rather than what she thinks is best. She has refrained from trying to put her input into her ideas for America. Mrs. Clinton has decided to make mutiple small crowd stops around Iowa and New Hampshire. Although she may be taking a new approach to winning votes, there is no guarentee she will win the nomination. She must prove herself to be suffice to the most powerful postion in the free world.

Link to the Article on CNN

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Come Around Sundown- Kings of Leon (Album Review)

Whether it be the fact that they are considered southern rock or it be because I have every album they've made--Kings of Leon have done it again! Though the album was released in 2010, its never too late to write a review on this artwork. In terms of their best, I would say that this would be barely behind their initial first hit, Only By the Night, which allowed them to truly rise to stardom selling approximately 6 million copies. With hit songs such as "Radioactive," Kings of Leon are recognized by the unique vocals from Caleb Followill, the lead singer, and remind fans that they still have their catchy riffs in their songs. Many enjoy the old sound they are trying to get back to. Back in the garage rock days they hand in previous albums, songs such as "Birthday" seem like throwbacks to their pre fame days. Other songs such as "Beachside" and "Mi Amigo" are perfect for days spent outdoors with friends and family. They truly convey a more soutner style of their usual alternative sound. This band of brothers easily entices listeners to listen through the full album. There has never been an instance where I've listened to only one song. It reminds me of that one slogan that lays states, "you can't just have one!" Or in this case, you can't listen to just one song. Despite this new form of expression from Kings of Leon, this was not one of their most successful albums, yet I will proudly say I'm a huge fan. Perhaps the new attempt was not a fan favorite, it was named top ten best albums of 2013 by Rolling Stone. Although this may seem like a success, the amount sold was not near as much as their previous album which appealed to a larger audience. The southern sound appeals to the south which won't sell as well up north. I frankly don't think this was one of their worst compositions, I will forever consider myself a huge fan. KOL LIVE ON. If you like southern rock, and good times, I suggested you download this as soon as possible.

Link to their Full Album

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Pence Signs Bill Allowing Businesses to Reject Gay Customers

Link to the Article on CNN

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed into law on Thursday a measure that allows businesses to turn away gay and lesbian customers in the name of "religious freedom." "This was a measure that frankly, Indiana should have enacted many years ago," Pence said. "It gives our courts guidance about evaluating government action and puts the highest standard -- it essentially says, if a government is going to compel you to act in a way that violates your religious beliefs, there has to be a compelling state interest." A very controversial topic in the United States to this day, Gov. Mike Pence decided to make a decision that might affect his chances as he tries to run the Republican Nomination for the 2016 Presidential Election. This decision will cause much contreversy to be surrounded by his name, he decided not to comment on the main issue. He will lose votes from the LGBT community which makes his decision a bold one to make. I would not agree with the discrimination based on way of life. Though it was passed to be considerate to the freedom of religion expressed in the nation, this disrespects the other party, the one that is refused to be sold to. What would be the solution to such circumstances in this nation? Should we allow this rejection of service? Or should we force accpetance on others?

Two Illinois Men Arrested on Terror Charges

Link to the Article on CNN

Two Illinois men, one an Army National Guardsmen and the other his cousin, were arrested on charges of conspiring with ISIS and for attempting to fly to Egypt to join the group. Army National Guard Spc.Hasan Edmonds was taken into custody at Chicago Midway International Airport while attempting to travel to Egypt to eventually join ISIS. Trust has becomes a major concern not only for the people of the United States, but for the people of the world. ISIS has become capable of turning people against their own nations. The two were planing to commit a terror act before Hasan Edmonds left the United States. His cousin, Jonas Edmonds, would have carried out the attack himself. These are prime examples of the power and influence that this terror group has even on the most secure of nations. What could be next? Perhaps there are more that linger in this nation that have similar in mind. What could the United States do to make this nation more safe? 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Modest Mouse "Strangers to Ourselves" Album Review (Reflection)

Link to the Review from Entertainment Weekly

Though this review may not be as detailed with its analysis, it focuses more on the composition of the music rather than the lyrics or the success of the ablum itself. It dicusses the new style that the band is attempting to establish with the release of the album, and even selects a favorite track from the album. The review by Miles Ramer, is not as strong as other reviews I read.

Kendrick Lamar Review (Reflection)

Jose Coscarelli, the publisher of this review, takes his anaylsis in more depth and discovers the theme of the piece of work. He also makes comparisons to the previous album Mr. Lamar debuted. He explains the reasons behind the creation of certain songs on the album. He is also able to provide commentary from an interview with Kendrick Lamar that allows the review of the album to be more genuine and accurate.

Link to the Review on NY Times

Monday, March 23, 2015

Kendrick Lamar New Album Review (Reflection)

Link to the Review from Rolling Stone

The man who reviewed this album on Rolling Stone, Greg Tate, created a detailed descrpition of the unique style Lamar has placed in his newly released album, "To Pimp a Butterfly."He elaborates on the refernce to Black Power he placed in his songs such as "The Blacker the Berry." The explanation as to why it earned 4 and half stars is adequate to the detailed explanation to its provides.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

2 Police officers in Ferguson ambushed

In recent news, many of you may be familiar with police brutality and racism that still exists within our Law Enforcement, especially in the case of Ferguson, Missouri where Michael Brown, a teenage African American who was killed by 9 bullets shot by Ferguson police. Although many measures have been taken to end the protest that has been ongoing for the past 200 days, members of the peaceful protest claim they will not be satisfied until every individual police officer of the Ferguson Police Department has resigned. Last night around midnight, two officers were shot, one in the shoulder and the other in the face. The shot fired was not from the crowd of protestors but rather an individual that was approxiametly 100 feet away from the officers who were making sure the crowd was settled. Though its obvious to the people of Ferguson that unreasonable violence was the cause of  Michael Brown's death, using similar tactics will only add onto the flame that has ignited in the people. There still has not been a suspect identified. The injustice in this situation will continue if further violence is used. The purpose of this event is to raise the question, to what extent are police officers capable of definding themselves before they are considered a criminal? Was discrimination the reason behind the death of Michael Brown? Or was it just a misfortunate event that led to a second equal rights movement? What will it take to end racism?

The link to the CNN post here

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Friend (Poem)

Peace and harmony, put your arm around me
Love and affection, give me your attention 
Be aware, show me you care
Hug and bind me, don't blind me
Love doesn't always have to be reciprocated through two individuals
Love doesn't always have to be between a man and woman
Love doesn't always have to have "partners"
Love is returned, to where it belongs, most don't have to think too long to realize that love is the song that you sing along with another soul
Behold, the ultimate price, for being nice, will be when you look and check twice, for the people you entice, will be the ones who cut a slice for the one who's unfed, the one who needs a bed, to be picked up when they fall, in all, the person to call, is a friend.

The reason I decided to post this poem I wrote is because nowadays many people our age tend to forget that they are all loved and seem to focus on trying to find a "lover" who will show them real love. In reality, the true love that everyone is trying to find is right in front of them. There are no other people like friends, they stick with you through the best and worst of times. They are loyal and will be there when you need them the most.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Secrecy Around Police Surveillance Equipment Proves a Case's Undoing

A major concern in the United States has always been the maintenance of a strong national security. Since the times before the Department of Homeland Security even existed, police have been able to develop new strategies that would aid in the fight against crime. A new technology that might be pushing the limits of what we call constitutional, has been helping law enforcement look through a suspect's phone usage and can even provide their current location. Though so far any cases brought to the court have had nothing to do with the fourth amendment's violation, many call this "Stingray operation" a violation of the privacy of United States citizens. People must understand that if they have any sort of opposition to the utilization of this technology in law enforcement, they must vocalize their disapproval. This not only affects potential suspects of crime, but also gives the police the ability to manipulate and have access to smartphones and cell phones of citizens who are not guilty of any crime. Although this is a breakthrough in modern technology, we must make sure that this equipment must not be abused, nor should it our violate our rights as citizens of the United States.

Link to the Story on the Washington Post

Friday, February 20, 2015

Introduction Post

Hello my fellow constituents, my name is Rene Nicholas Castillo, but you can call me Reezy. I'm a genuie human being who lives to bring quality insight on world issues to indviduals who seek them. I may seem very formal, but lets be honest here, the only thing formal here is the English language I use to communicate my vision to my audience. Future leader and politician, the people are who motivate me to aspire for greatness. Realistic and certainly not pessimistic, I make it known that I'm not another statistic.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Peeing All Day 'Errday

I go to the bathroom at least 7 times a day. How often do you pee? I also like to eat dog food. Pedigree for life, yo!

Test Post

This is so i can see how my blog looks like.